I'm a pretty little butterfly...I really wished I could have made here a catapillar with wings. But she wouldn't have it, she wanted to be a butterfly with makeup of course. And shock of all shocks, the other day I found makup all over the floor of my bathroom and mascara on her face. I opened up pandora's box. AGHH
Bryce dressed up in Jeff's old army clothes and had me put makeup on him too!! You can be a butterfly and GIJOE with makeup how ironic...Josh do you wear makeup? Wait don't answer that.
Ty wanted to be a nerd. He had a lot of fun with that and didn't even have to bring extra clothes to school to change into.
We went to the church and did the trunk or treat. Justin provided 12 dozen donuts for the preist group. So we were set up next to the hot apple cider (from the other ward) and the donuts.
Hayden didn't want to go trick or treating, she wanted to help me hand out candy! Needless to say her bucket was no where near as full as the boys...darn.
Do you guys remember doing this? They counted having over 350 pieces of candy. Then actually combined all of theirs?! I didn't say anything and waited to see how it would play out. The candy was put into zip lock baggies and kept in Hayden's room in her play kitchen. I thought that was funny. Let's just say the candy is now gone and Hayden did a really good job watching it for them.
Ok and proof that we went to a pumpkin patch...So maybe I only took Hayden with her preschool. We actually didn't even carve pumpkins as a family this year, yet throughout the week everybody but Justin carved one in one activity group or another. So I didn't feel too bad.