Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Morning

Hurray pajamas!! We look forward to this every year. And when you think your kids are too big to care, they don't take them off! they both have been wearing them for the past couple of days, they go under their snow clothes perfectly and then they don't even have to get ready for bed at the end of the day...they already are!

OK so I don't know why there is a Halloween shirt on Bryce. But it works. Hayden had to have help to get her orange out of her stocking, and then she discovered the candy underneath. Let's just say that I don't need to worry about any more candy wrappers, they finished it all off...what do the little piggy's say?

Hayden wanted to make her brother's a Christmas present. It worked out pretty good. She did the glueing and I put all of the sticks together with the little decorations. Even a 3 year old can come up with some pretty good ideas.

Our living room Christmas morning. Every child's dream...a box!! They didn't even want to open presents! They just started playing with the boxes until I asked if they wanted to open up their presents. Hayden was the first.
We had a wonderful Christmas, I couldn't have asked for it to be any different...Thank you all for blessing our lives. The only thing I would do different is live closer to all of my family...but then where would that be at? So blogging with pictures is as close as we can get. I love you all!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

We gave them 2 huge boxes this year...and not to our surprise it was the most favorite part about Christmas. I think I found a new family tradition. Yes Ty has a pocket knife, he got it for Christmas and has made lots of doors and windows and passage ways. I'll have to post the final product in a couple of days. The boxes are now in the basement and the boys tried to sleep in them tonight but chickened out.

Christmas!! Ha I'm the first!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Me and my Boo

Just so you know, I am currently off the market. :) She had me at her sweater. Little does mom know, I'm going to give her my sweater to her for christmas!! te he.
By the way we are getting married in April, I hope this doesn't change anyones flight plans for Heathers in May. But no worries our wedding will be in Utah so the travel will be easier. Have a Merry Christams and a happy Kwanza. Oh and Kristen has to choose between which wedding she can go to, sorry Heather. Mine does come first ;)
P.S. we were at an Ugly Sweater party, she does have great taste, I mean she chose me!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So here is my entry for the family decoration contest! You should hear the music that goes along with it :) On the side of the house there is a santa in a helicopter that rotates...its beautiful


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bishop's Ball Dec 2008

Oh that's our sexy pose.

Yup those are sheets in the background. We're at the stake center.

They made a balloon arch...

It's just a great back drop.

We danced the night away...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My House part one

So I thought it would be fun to show you my house. Now I will warn you, this is before I decorated for Christmas, so I am not entering any contest here:)

Behind the dining room table is the computer cabinent Ryan built for me. Isn't he the best!

So, Ryan wanted a place to hang his hubcaps and car pictures....he got the hallway by the garage door. He doesn't think its completely fair that I get the rest of the house, but I told him he can decorate his garage...

This is our living room.

My House

Part II

The first picture is our entryway/living room. The piano was an anniversary gift from Ryan a year and a half ago.

This is our upstairs hallway, I would like to draw attention to my new table that I got on black Friday at Lowes:) The pictures will be put up on the wall above it when Ryan and I have time to coordinate.

Next is my toy room. Sadly, this is where I had to put the treadmill because it wouldn't fit through my bedroom doorway. However it is very functional, the kids play while I workout.

The blue room is Tyler's bedroom...need I say more. We found the bed at a garage sale for $10 yeah us!

This is our sensory room, the swings are our latest addition. Behind Tyler is the ball pit that also doubles for a bed. Add boards and a mattress and you have one happy mother-in-law.

This is Hailey's room, we painted it when she was 14 months old. Now that she is older she wants me to repaint it pink. I said no, because I do not want to paint again. So she asked if I would at least paint her ceiling pink....what do you guys think...would that up the value of my house?:) The quilt on her bed is what I made for her for Christmas last year The dress on her closet door is the beautiful blessing gown aunt Sarah made for her.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blake can smile all day for me, but it's the deep voice and "tough love" that gets him laughing!

Here's my smiley boy! He's four months now, and just a hunka chunk of burning love! I think he's a mini-Jeff.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Um, Jenn... Ricky resents your comments in your email. He was more than happy to pose for a Christmas shot here. :) His only request is that he gets to report he was a good kitty this year.

Here's our new place. As always, Jeff loves to go crazy with the lights. Jenn, was there a prize for the most decorated house?? I'd like to redeem that now.
Even Sarah can't find a larger bow on a sweeter gift. Pookey, get jealous - Jeff gave me an early gift. :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Open Wide!


Sam had his wisdom teeth pulled... J/K it was M&MS. :)

Believe it or not I actually liked him kissing me. I was in the middle of making a face when the picture took.

OH YEAH! Enough said.
Halloween 2008

Sam and I went to the ward activity..bowling. Yeah we pretty much dominated.

Nov 17, 2008
We went to the Jazz game, they played the Suns. Phoenix Suns happens to be Sam's favorite team...too bad they lost to the Jazz:)

I'm wearing his hat which happens to be a couple sizes too big. I happened to be a Jazz fan during the game so while he cheered for the Suns, I cheered for the Jazz.

Sam got Deon to smile... Say cheese!!!!!

AWWW, now here we are on Thanksgiving Day over at Dad and June's. Sam's brother Brian and his sister Emily came with us to pig out on the best meal ever...Turkey dinner.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hayden's new bed

Here is the window treatment in Hayden's room. It's not knew but for those of you who haven't seen you go.

OK Here is the Head board I made for Hayden's room. Isn't it cool!!! I created. (from General Conference) who knows which talk?

She now has lady bug lights on it so she can look at books at night. The boys think her room and bed is way cooler than theirs so sometimes they take turns to sleep in her room with her. It cracks me up!

I'm a pretty little butterfly...I really wished I could have made here a catapillar with wings. But she wouldn't have it, she wanted to be a butterfly with makeup of course. And shock of all shocks, the other day I found makup all over the floor of my bathroom and mascara on her face. I opened up pandora's box. AGHH

Bryce dressed up in Jeff's old army clothes and had me put makeup on him too!! You can be a butterfly and GIJOE with makeup how ironic...Josh do you wear makeup? Wait don't answer that.

Ty wanted to be a nerd. He had a lot of fun with that and didn't even have to bring extra clothes to school to change into.
We went to the church and did the trunk or treat. Justin provided 12 dozen donuts for the preist group. So we were set up next to the hot apple cider (from the other ward) and the donuts.
Hayden didn't want to go trick or treating, she wanted to help me hand out candy! Needless to say her bucket was no where near as full as the boys...darn.

Do you guys remember doing this? They counted having over 350 pieces of candy. Then actually combined all of theirs?! I didn't say anything and waited to see how it would play out. The candy was put into zip lock baggies and kept in Hayden's room in her play kitchen. I thought that was funny. Let's just say the candy is now gone and Hayden did a really good job watching it for them.

Ok and proof that we went to a pumpkin patch...So maybe I only took Hayden with her preschool. We actually didn't even carve pumpkins as a family this year, yet throughout the week everybody but Justin carved one in one activity group or another. So I didn't feel too bad.