I am also posting my domestic growth. That sounds really bad!!! We had a tinkerbell birthday party last week and this is the cake I made. There is no weighing in on this, if you don't like the cake that is ok, you have the right to your opinion. However, if you like the cake feel free to comment all you want:)

Can you be any more amazing?! How long did it take you to frost that cake? I am impressed.... I really like your hair! I would keep it short, although both hair styles work for you so you won't have to get your hair cut for a year and you can do both! Love ya
I am very impressed. I think your tinkerbell cake turned out incredible!!!I am seeing a common theme between your cake and Erica's! As for your hair, well I like the first photo the best. It is fun and sassy. Of course the second photo works just as well, but is a little on the tame side. So we all know you want to let it loose and go with your inner wildness! ;) Love, Sarah
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